Completion of an entry form or purchase of any type of entry by event participants or their representative acknowledges the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the participant.
1 - The participant is fully responsible for their own actions whilst attending any event, VELO EUROPE does not accept responsibility for the actions of the participant, nor the consequences of such actions.
1.1 - Each participant upon signing the registration form (if in person or on-line) agrees that they are physically and mentally capable of completing the event they have signed up to do. The experience registration form must be completed by a person aged 18 or over, evidence of age may be requested.
1.2 - The participant confirms that the clothing and equipment they have chosen to wear during the event is suitable and worthy to complete the longest days route.
1.3 - VELO EUROPE reserves the right to shorten, adjust OR CANCEL the published route/event at any time. Participants do not have the right to claim a refund if the route/event has been adjusted, shortened, or cancelled.(THIS INCLUDES COMPLETELY POSTPONING THE EVENT TO A LATER DATE(see below)).
1.4 - You should ensure you have a suitable level of insurance cover for the experience you are you taking part in, examples of such would be EVENT CANCELLATION INSURANCE,cycle insurance or equipment insurance, we cannot be held responsible for injuries you sustain during training, cancellations due to your plans changing or damage or loss of property whilst taking part in any of our experiences which are completly beyond our control.
1.5 - Participants must be considerate to other users of roads, paths, bridleways,footpaths, or byways. Upon seeing other users, such as walkers or horse riders, participants are required to pass with care.
1.6 - No refunds will be issued for deposits paid under any circumstances.
1.7 - Cyclists should obey the highway code and all traffic laws where applicable.
1.8 - Helmets must be worn at all times during the rides.
1.9 - Each participant agrees to assign and grant the right and give permission for VELO EUROPE to use and publish any photographs, films or video made or taken on any activity run by VELO EUROPE. The participant hereby releases VELO EUROPE from all liability from such use and promotion. The participant hereby authorises the reproduction,sale, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, electronic storage, and distribution of said photograph or video without limitation at the discretion of VELO EUROPE. The participant specifically waives any right to compensation if they may have for appeared in any of the photographs or videos taken at an event run by VELO EUROPE.
2.0 - Deposit fees cannot be refunded or exchanged under any circumstances.2.1 - VELO EUROPE reserves the right to cancel any event due to any circumstances. In such event, each Participants entry will be transferred to a rescheduled date, if a participant cannot make the new date, they can carry entry to another event or a subsequent year in these instances no refunds will be issued under any circumstances.
2.2 - You agree that VELO EUROPE can contact you with regards to your event with details about the event, start times, changes to routes and general updates. (GPDR compliant).
2.3 - No refunds will be issued under any circumstances.